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What is Toastmasters?
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., the organization's membership exceeds 280,000 in more than 14,700 clubs in 144 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.
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Meeting information / directions
What is Daffodils Toastmasters Club?
Daffodils Toastmasters Club is a community club based in Malleshwaram. It is ONE of the thousands of Toastmasters clubs spread worldwide.
The club secured its charter i.e. its official recognition from Toastmasters International on 12th June, 2003; and has gone from strength to strength since then.
​Daffodils has the right mix of youngsters and seasoned members, making it the ideal place for learning coupled with fun. Brimming with energy and camaraderie, Daffodils is one of the oldest clubs in Distrcit 92. We take pride in ourselves because we are “More than a Club!” Three cheers to Daffodils Toastmasters!
When do we meet?
Every Saturday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The meetings are structured such that if you are late, you miss the whole essence. We have no recent history of meeting cancelations; walk in to be greeted.
Where do we meet?
Daffodils Toastmasters Club, 4th floor, Dr KP Nayaks Residence,
#9, 1st cross, Sampige Road, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru - 56003
Are guests welcome?
Absolutely. We do not have any entry fees for guests. However, guests are requested to arrive at 5:45 pm and register.
Should guests register before they get to the venue?
No. Guests can walk-in and register; we do not charge our guests any fees.
How do I get to the venue?
Nearest metro station: We are about 750m from Mantri Square, Sampige road metro station.
Nearest bus stand: Link road bus stop (80m) or Mantri mall bus stop (450m)
Landmark while hailing an auto or a taxi: Link road bus stop, Malleshwaram / Al-Bek Sampige road / Kulla park, Malleshwaram
Do you have parking space at the venue for four-wheelers?
No parking space is made available by the club. However, there will be ample parking for two-wheelers in the surroundings of the building. Do not take a chance with four-wheelers
Do you have a dress code?
We recommend smart formals / business casuals.
What do we do in a Typical Meeting?​
A typical meeting has 30 to 40 members who meet weekly on Saturdays. There are three sessions to every meeting:
1st session – Prepared Speech. Members of the club come prepared with speeches on a topic of their choice using the guidelines mentioned in their Pathways.
2nd session – Table Topics. Meeting participants give impromptu talks on assigned topics.
3rd session – Evaluation. Experienced toastmasters evaluate speakers who took stage and provide constructive feedback.
How do I become a member?
You must attend the club meetings as a guest at least three to five times before you can approach to become a member.
Why should I attend the meetings as a guest before applying to be a member?
Being a Toastmaster is a marathon. Also, each Toastmaster club has its own nuances. A prospective member must understand what the club offers, the culture of the club and if the club meets their aspirations. Also, as a guest you meet members of the club with whom you can interact and resolve any questions you may have.
After attending three to five meetings, whom should I contact?
When you attend those many meetings at our club it is unlikely that you have not met our VP-Membership. Contact the current VP Membership Toastmaster Suryakant at +91 97114 24525
Toastmasters is a marathon, but I need some sort of a sprint, as I am time constrained.
Then, you must check out our Speechcraft programs. You can contact our VP-Membership regarding the same as well.
Is there an age limit?
One must be at least 18 years old to be a Toastmaster. There is no upper limit!
What is the membership fee?
One time joining fees of Rs. 2,300/-.
Membership fees is paid six months in a block; for latest fee structure, please visit the club.
Is the membership transferable to another club?
Yes. The joining fees is one time and gives you absolute mobility across any Toastmasters club in the world. However, please do bear in mind that each club has its own fee structure for membership to that club.
Your club's location and meeting times are not suitable for me. Can you suggest any other club?
Please find a club that matches your criteria here.
Meeting Etiquette
To keep our meetings fun and efficient, please keep in mind the following guidelines:
Shake hands when you gain or pass control of the floor.
For example, when the presiding officer hands the meeting over to the Toastmaster of the evening, they will shake hands to signal that the Toastmaster now has control of the meeting.
Be quiet and respectful when others are speaking.
There are obvious exceptions such as laughing at jokes or answering a question asked by the speaker.
Our club gets a lot of guests. Welcome guests to the club by asking where they are from and how they came to visit us that day, and encourage them to sit anywhere but the back!
The Table Topics Master should only call on members who don't have a role.
If you are called on and you already have a role that evening, please politely decline so that others may have an opportunity to speak.
Be punctual.
When addressing the club in a speaking role, say, "Fellow Toastmasters, welcomed guests" then proceed with the rest of your table topic, speech, or evaluation.
When you hand control back to a role player, address them as follows: Mister/Madam Topics master, mister/madam toastmaster, mister/madam general evaluator. It's just polite!
When you are serving in a supporting role, keep your description crisp and to the point.
20 seconds - 1 minute, maximum
Don't enter the room when someone is speaking. Please wait until there is a break between speakers.
Turn off cell phones, including ALL vibrating/beeping functions.
When a member completes their Icebreaker speech (first speech) it is customary for the audience to give a standing ovation to welcome the new member into the club.
Members giving their final speech in a manual also receive a standing ovation.
Be careful with "salty" language, either written or spoken.
If you would feel uncomfortable saying it in front of your boss' boss or your grandma, ask someone about it ahead of time.
If you are the speaker, don't thank the audience during your speech - we thank YOU for taking the time to prepare and address us!
Be careful about politics/religion/sex. We have a diverse membership and welcome all kinds of people to the club - we don't want to offend each other.
When in doubt, ask an experienced member for his/her opinion.
Last but not least - we love CLAPPING!
Whenever someone is introduced to come to the stage, we clap during their entire way up to the stage - don't cut them short!
Thanks all!
Toastmasters Program
How We Work
In Toastmasters, we follow a structured learning process.
Once an individual becomes a part of the Daffodils TMC family, s/he embarks on a journey of personal and professional development through Pathways which is designed to help you build the skills that you need to communicate and lead. It comprises of 11 paths that teach you over 300 unique competencies.

Structure of Toastmaster meeting:
A regular Toastmasters' meeting typically consists of three sections:
Prepared Speech: Speeches prepared in advance based on set project guidelines
Table Topics: Participants speak off-the-cuff on stage on a given topic
Evaluation: Evaluation and constructive feedback given to each of the role-takers
What you can expect:
FUN!!! - It's not a boring lecture. We enjoy every moment of our Toastmasters' meeting. You can witness humourous speeches, debates, quizzes, pesonal experiences...
Learning while doing - In Toastmasters', no one forces you to do anything. You pick your own pace and learn things.
Mentor - Each member is associated with a mentor (a senior TM) should they wish to help them to achieve their goals. Being a mentor also is a leadership opportunity which you can too be a part of once you are a TM.
Networking - We have members across the fields. You can meet new people, make friends.
Support across the globe - TM clubs are present throughout the world. Once being a part of TM family, you are free to attend TM meeting in any part of the world.